Innovative and disruptive companies in talent care

Increasing globalisation, digital transformation, the pandemic situation have greatly changed the labour market, and it is a fact that large companies, in order to remain competitive, have started to realise that they have to take care of the mental health of their employees. After all, stress, anxiety and depression are the second leading cause of sick leave, and no organisation, regardless of size and activity, can afford to gamble by wasting its talent.

This willingness to take care of the mental health of talent is also occurring in Spain. But we are not talking about any typically cool company, but rather about companies in traditional sectors, such as logistics and construction, whose leaders have understood that caring for the mental health of their people is a key argument for business success, and have set to work to make it a reality.

At this event, we have been able to bring together some of these leaders who manage people, and the enthusiasm with which they have told us about their experiences is contagious. It is also very enriching to hear how they have faced the many difficulties they have encountered along the way, and what actions, changes and improvements they have been able to implement in order to have happy workers.

Surely, they all agree on the importance of taking care of people’s mental health in order to retain talent. Because they know that when workers feel that the company cares about them, establishing actions in the equality plan and preventing harassment, accompanying them in their development with specific training, empowering them with support tools, employees collaborate more, and better still, they give their all for the company.