The railway sector has always been committed to innovation in occupational health and safety, placing great importance on psychological health and the training of all professionals in charge of emergency prevention and management. It is not strange, if we take into account that 80% of train drivers, at some point in their lives, have to face an episode of entanglement, and require first level psychological preparation to manage it.

That is why, from Psiconnea, we organised this webinar with representatives of Renfe, Iryo and the State Agency for Railway Safety. Because we know the importance of having psychologically prepared professionals, from the management to the most technical professionals, to offer passengers the safest possible travel experiences, and in case of emergencies, the assistance and attention that those affected deserve.

Safety starts with prevention. In the rail system, in addition to technological advances, there is extensive regulation that monitors the skill level and psychological health aspects of all the people who are responsible on a daily basis for ensuring that the systems work, and that procedures are carried out accurately.

For example, in the case of a company as innovative in human factors and positive safety culture as Iryo, the training of train drivers includes a series of modules designed to teach them how to manage emergency situations, roll-ups and catastrophes, supervised by a team of psychologists specialising in mental health. They also receive individualised psychological support in the event of traumatic situations.

Finally, it is very interesting what the Renfe representative explains in the case of a train accident, and how psychological care is a fundamental part of the assistance plan for accident victims and their families.