What is emotional intelligence and how important is it?

inteligencia emocional

Emotional intelligence is the set of skills that allows us to recognize our own emotions and those of others, as well as the ability to manage these emotions and feelings effectively.

Having emotional intelligence is as important as any other type of intelligence that human beings may have, taking into account that the relationship with our emotions directly influences the way in which we perceive the world, our mental health and the way in which we that we relate to others.

What is emotional intelligence?

The concept of emotional intelligence refers to the ability to effectively understand and manage our own emotions and feelings, as well as being able to recognize what the other feels , in order to assimilate their emotions in the most assertive way possible.

This type of emotional intelligence is not only in the field of understanding, but is also linked to certain relationship patterns and adaptation skills that allow a person to have a better relationship with himself and with the environment.

que es inteligencia emocional

Types of emotional intelligence

There are different types of emotional intelligence, according to your type of focus. These, in turn, are made up of different components that, if properly stimulated, will allow you to have a better emotional life in the short, medium and long term.  The types of emotional intelligence are: 

  • Personal intelligence: Ability to understand and manage our emotions and feelings appropriately. This, in turn, has as its pillars self-awareness (ability to be aware of ourselves), self-regulation (ability to effectively manage our feelings and have emotional self-control, so that our emotions do not take control of our lives), and self-motivation (ability to focus on our objectives, cultivating positive emotional states that allow us to achieve our goals). This type of intelligence is also known as intrapersonal intelligence. 
  • Interpersonal intelligence: Ability to understand the emotions of other people in an assertive way This is also linked to the ability to effectively manage our emotions even in difficult situations, in order to avoid conflicts and reach more accurate solutions, and to be able to have more harmonious social exchanges. 

This implies that people who have a higher degree of emotional intelligence are those who develop intrapersonal and interpersonal skills and who also have the ability to manage stress, bet on a positive state of mind and are able to effectively adapt to different situations. and environments. 

tipos inteligencia emocional

The five key components of emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence, in turn, is made up of various abilities, the most important of which are: 


Empathy is defined as the ability to feel the emotions of others, it is what we popularly know as «putting yourself in the other’s shoes». This helps us to better understand what you are feeling, in order to be able to generate relational environments that are more in line with the needs of both.

Social skills

Social skills are those that allow us to have effective social interactions. Among these we find respect, assertiveness, communication and expression skills , the use of communicative formulas such as: thanking or asking for a favor, and kindness, among others.  These types of skills are essential to have good family relationships, in the workplace, interpersonal, and in itself, for any type of social exchange. 

self knowledge

Self-knowledge refers to the ability to know ourselves. Here are included our ideas, thoughts, emotions, ways of reacting, abilities, defects and virtues.  Knowing ourselves not only helps us to better manage our emotions, but also to more easily understand the emotions of others.


Motivation is the ability to stay connected to our purposes, no matter what is happening. Likewise, it is related to the ability to motivate ourselves to achieve our objectives, transcending temporary emotions such as apathy, stress or frustration. 


Self-regulation is the ability to regulate oneself, through the management of emotions and reactions. 

What is not emotional intelligence?

People with low emotional intelligence deal negatively with their emotions, fall into positions of victimization and find it difficult to understand and express what they feel , causing them to explode at any time in the form of anger, aggression or disproportionate reactions that affect them. themselves and others.  This is why it is said that those who have good emotional intelligence have a higher IQ, because they can function better in different situations. 

no es inteligencia emoncional

How to improve your emotional intelligence

To improve your emotional intelligence, you need to start working on self-awareness. For this, in the Psiconnea App you can evaluate your level of emotional intelligence, and learn strategies aimed at developing the various skills associated with the concept, in order to have better mental health and quality of life. 


In the event that your situation is chronic, the Psiconnea App will recommend that you visit a psychologist, in order to carry out more in-depth work. 

Emotional intelligence in the workplace

Having emotional intelligence is fundamental to having better relationships. This is why it should be your best ally in the workplace, taking into account that they are spaces where we interact with many people and are exposed to multiple stimuli that can alter our emotions. 


Developing good emotional intelligence will help you resolve conflicts, self-control, manage emotions in difficult times, and establish more effective social relationships. 

The relationship between emotional intelligence and success in life 

People with better emotional intelligence tend to succeed in what they set out to do, because they do not get carried away by emotions and balance them with their rational part, allowing them to have better social relationships, which can open many doors in life. . All this without counting that by having the capacity for motivation and resilience, they can transcend failures and find different solutions to their problems.  

inteligencia emocional trabajo

Emotional intelligence in relationships

When we have positive emotional management, we can express our emotions assertively, and we understand the other person’s feelings, making it easier to resolve differences. 

In the same way, we recognize that emotions are temporary, and we avoid reacting in ways that could hurt us or others, and we can avoid making permanent decisions because of temporary emotions, because we understand that everything works out more effectively when our emotions they are calm 

The importance of emotional intelligence in education

Much of what we are is structured in our childhood, which is why educating children taking emotional intelligence into account is essential to build beings that are more self-confident and capable of effectively functioning in society. 

When we learn to process our emotions from childhood, we have a greater tolerance for frustration, we learn to communicate assertively and relate better, which allows us to fully develop and perform better in any of the spaces in which we find ourselves. 

Emotional intelligence and mental health

Emotional intelligence is a fundamental ingredient for mental health care, taking into account that many psychological symptoms derive from inadequate management and coping with our emotions. 

If you want to take the first step in the development of a better emotional intelligence, you can access the Psiconnea App where you can evaluate your psychological and emotional state, in addition to having effective support in the generation of new strategies that allow you to have a better relationship. with yourself and with your emotions, in order to be able to have a fuller life and adapted to your desires.